Journey to the Empty Tomb: The End of the Beginning

Early in the morning, on the first day of the week, some faithful women made their way to the place where the dead body of Jesus had been entombed. They had prepared spices and they were concerned about how to roll the stone away from the door. We worry about so many things God has already provided.

The stone was rolled away and they went on in to take a look. Luke’s gospel says they were “perplexed.” His body wasn’t there. Emerging from the tomb, they encountered two men in shining garments who asked them a profound question. “Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here. He is risen.”

Thank you for taking this little journey to the open tomb. It is still empty. He is alive. Every week when we gather to worship, we preachers must ring the resurrection bell. Because He lives, we believers can offer a word of hope to everyone we meet along the way. The death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus is the core of our faith.

John wrote that if all Jesus had said and done had been recorded, all the books in all the libraries of all the world couldn’t hold them (my translation.) One thing I know for sure, the grave could not hold Him. And that was just the beginning.

Loved ones die and are buried. One generation gives way to another. The work goes on and we we watch and wait. Billions of people have believed in this risen Christ and by believing have been saved. He is alive and at work.

The next great event on God’s timetable is certain to come. He shall come with a shout and the earth will give a tremendous shudder. The graves will burst open and the living and dead will rise to meet Him in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Comfort one another with these words.


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 Journey to the Open Tomb: They Crucified Him