Brittney and Me

In recent days, I have given much thought to the release of Brittney Griner from a Russian prison. Brittney Griner is a professional basketball player who had been arrested on charges of possessing drug paraphernalia and cannabis. She was found guilty and sentenced to 9 years in a Russian penal colony. It was clear that she broke Russian law and as someone who is famous, she would be used as an example.

Brittney Griner’s lifestyle choices and anti United States feelings have been well documented. You and I may choose to differ with her on many points. She is a US citizen and as such appealed to her country for help. Other US citizens are also in Russian prisons and I might even judge them more worthy of high level assistance. Nevertheless, an exchange was made for Brittney. On December 9th, our government gave over a Russian arms dealer so that Brittney Griner could be released.

I am glad for Brittney and her family’s sake that she was released. I wish her no ill will. I just didn’t think it fair and I considered it even dangerous for a “merchant of death” to be released to buy her freedom.

A funny thing happened on the way to the pulpit. God spoke to me. He didn’t speak audibly but in my heart, as I wrestled with the word “redemption.”

“And what price did I pay for your redemption?” The thought stopped me dead in my tracks.

Paul wrote clearly in Galatians 4:4,5 that, “In the fullness of the time God sent forth his Son, made of woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law that we might receive the adoption of sons.” My redemption was purchased by Jesus Christ and God did not stagger at the weight of that cost. I am redeemed and any reasonable human analysis says the cost was too much. It is a far more unfair and outrageous cost than what was paid for Brittney.

I am not better than Brittney. Neither are you. Christmas stirs many memories and emotions. But a true celebration of the coming of Jesus into this world must make us consider the cost of our redemption. There would be a cradle in Bethlehem but there would be a cross in Jerusalem. On that cross, Jesus shed His life’s blood for even me. Oh, what a Savior!

Somehow, this whole episode has made me reconsider how much God must love me. He loves me with all of my sin and rebellion. He loves me when I excuse my disobedience and transgression. He loved me before there was a Christmas and Easter, and the price of my redemption was paid. He loves you, too. He loves Brittney Griner, too.

May God give you a very merry Christmas. May you stand before Him gloriously redeemed.


And the Beat Goes On


What a Good God You’ve Been to Me.