And the Beat Goes On

I stepped away as Senior Pastor of a wonderful congregation at the close of 2021. Thirty years of pastoring and preaching to that group of saints had brought much joy to my life. The decision to leave that good church was probably the most difficult decision that Betty and I have ever made. That decision was in no way a decision to quit the calling that God had placed in my heart 50 years ago. It was not a retirement. It was a readjustment.

Concord Baptist Church was so gracious in helping me as I entered this time in ministry. The congregation transferred my “intellectual material,” (that is funny) all of the recorded messages, and written sermons to my ownership. They also transferred the rights to the “Take Heart” domain so that I could establish a new ministry that looked much like the old ministry.

Many good things have happened because of a gracious God and good people:

• Take Heart Ministries was established as a non profit 501c3 religious organization.

• An office was built in my barn. I call it “World Headquarters.” No Take Heart contributions were used for that.

• Take Heart Ministries established a website. Encourage people to visit Full length sermons are frequently added to this website.

• Take Heart Ministries also has a Facebook page. Follow us.

• Take Heart Ministries is now on Bott Radio Network 22 times a week with 2 minute spots.

• Take Heart Ministries is now on the Zimmer Network station known as “the Wave 101.9”at the Lake of the Ozarks. We purchase 30 sixty second spots per week on that station.

On a personal note, God continues to give me opportunities to minister. In 2022, I preached 53 times, participated in 6 revival meetings and led a group of 39 to Israel.

I am very thankful. One year has passed since we launched this new adventure. We continue to look for ways to expand our footprint. From the beginning, we have determined that our footprint would be equal to His provision. He is providing and we are negotiating for a larger footprint. We have a good foundation.

Thank you to all who have visited our website or Facebook page. Thank you to all who have invited me to preach at your church. Thank you to all who have helped us along the way.

Brothers and Sisters, pray for us.

Take Heart!

Jesus cares for you.


I am a Branch.


Brittney and Me