I am a Branch.

(Arad, Romania 2017)

It is now time to cut back my grapevines. Winter is still here but springtime is coming. I am ready for it. If my vines are to produce grapes in August, I must tend to them now. 

It is not that I am an expert vinedresser. After a trip to Romania several years ago, I was inspired to to try my hand at grape production. I am not going to start a winery. Don’t worry. But I would be thankful to have enough to make some juice and enjoy some jelly. If I had enough juice to supply Concord Baptist Church with juice for the Lord’s Supper that would be wonderful. 

With good intention and much anticipation, I put six grapevine seedlings in the ground six years ago. They have grown rapidly. The vines are beautiful every year. The vine itself is growing in diameter and there is no shortage of branches and leaves. In fact, over the last four summers they have really prospered. I trim them back. I tie them up off the ground. I work at keeping the bugs off of them. In every way this project has been a success. 

I only have one problem. No grapes. Thus far, I haven’t produced enough juice to fill one communion cup. What is the problem?

When I trim them back before the sap rises each spring, I get very introspective. God compared Israel to a vineyard. He planted them, dug around them, moved rocks and built a wall around His vineyard (Isaiah 5). He went to His vineyard expecting grapes and found wild grapes. Eventually His patience with Israel expired. 

Jesus gave instruction concerning grape production. In John 15 we are reminded to “abide in Him.” Without abiding in Him we will not produce anything because without Him we can do nothing. He spoke of pruning, lifting and staying connected. The cutting away of pretty branches is hard on the vinedresser. Pruning is painful. Eventually those branches that don’t produce are cut off and gathered to be burned. 

As I cut away non productive branches and gather them in a pile to burn, I ponder Isaiah 5 and John 15. Is there a lesson here for me to learn about myself?  I am thankful for a Savior who patiently prunes and ties up the branches. Every year as I cut my vines back I wonder two thingsWill this be the year my vines bear fruit?  How much longer do I give my grapes before I do the biblical thing and cut them down?

Thinking about it is good for my soul. I am a branch. 

My current vines





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